The Gift of Disruption

Despite a broken back, I love going to physiotherapy. There is nothing like starting your day with an engaging conversation about social change, trickle-up policies, and leadership styles with an almost complete stranger as he holds your body in various awkward positions.  Recently, my physiotherapist and I have begun brainstorming how to solve the social

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Telling Stories in Taxis

“So let us look for beauty and grace, for love and friendship, for that which is creative and birth-giving and soul-stretching. Let us dare to laugh at ourselves, healthy, affirmative laughter. Only when we take ourselves lightly can we take ourselves seriously, so that we are given the courage to say, “Yes! I dare disturb

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To Measure Tenderness Towards the Earth

Imagine a machine that measures tenderness towards the earth.  Perhaps it is a satellite sent from a distant planet, measuring oil wells against gardening, carbon in the atmosphere, minerals left in the ground, dinosaur bones still buried.  To measure tenderness may be spreadsheets and adding machines, the legal tender to which we owe our existence.

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